Drag and Drop


Drag and Drop -- functions for controlling drag and drop handling.


#include <gdk/gdk.h>

GdkAtom     gdk_drag_get_selection          (GdkDragContext *context);
void        gdk_drag_abort                  (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             guint32 time);
void        gdk_drop_reply                  (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             gboolean ok,
                                             guint32 time);
GdkDragContext* gdk_drag_context_new        (void);
void        gdk_drag_drop                   (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             guint32 time);
void        gdk_drag_find_window            (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             GdkWindow *drag_window,
                                             gint x_root,
                                             gint y_root,
                                             GdkWindow **dest_window,
                                             GdkDragProtocol *protocol);
void        gdk_drag_context_ref            (GdkDragContext *context);
GdkDragContext* gdk_drag_begin              (GdkWindow *window,
                                             GList *targets);
gboolean    gdk_drag_motion                 (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             GdkWindow *dest_window,
                                             GdkDragProtocol protocol,
                                             gint x_root,
                                             gint y_root,
                                             GdkDragAction suggested_action,
                                             GdkDragAction possible_actions,
                                             guint32 time);
void        gdk_drop_finish                 (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             gboolean success,
                                             guint32 time);
guint32     gdk_drag_get_protocol           (guint32 xid,
                                             GdkDragProtocol *protocol);
enum        GdkDragProtocol;
void        gdk_drag_context_unref          (GdkDragContext *context);
struct      GdkDragContext;
enum        GdkDragAction;
void        gdk_drag_status                 (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             GdkDragAction action,
                                             guint32 time);


These functions provide a low level interface for drag and drop. GDK supports both the Xdnd and Motif drag and drop protocols transparently.

GTK+ provides a higher level abstraction based on top of these functions, and so they are not normally needed in GTK+ applications. See the Drag and Drop section of the GTK+ documentation for more information.


gdk_drag_get_selection ()

GdkAtom     gdk_drag_get_selection          (GdkDragContext *context);

context : 
Returns : 

gdk_drag_abort ()

void        gdk_drag_abort                  (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             guint32 time);

context : 
time : 

gdk_drop_reply ()

void        gdk_drop_reply                  (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             gboolean ok,
                                             guint32 time);

context : 
ok : 
time : 

gdk_drag_context_new ()

GdkDragContext* gdk_drag_context_new        (void);

Returns : 

gdk_drag_drop ()

void        gdk_drag_drop                   (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             guint32 time);

context : 
time : 

gdk_drag_find_window ()

void        gdk_drag_find_window            (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             GdkWindow *drag_window,
                                             gint x_root,
                                             gint y_root,
                                             GdkWindow **dest_window,
                                             GdkDragProtocol *protocol);

context : 
drag_window : 
x_root : 
y_root : 
dest_window : 
protocol : 

gdk_drag_context_ref ()

void        gdk_drag_context_ref            (GdkDragContext *context);

context : 

gdk_drag_begin ()

GdkDragContext* gdk_drag_begin              (GdkWindow *window,
                                             GList *targets);

window : 
targets : 
Returns : 

gdk_drag_motion ()

gboolean    gdk_drag_motion                 (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             GdkWindow *dest_window,
                                             GdkDragProtocol protocol,
                                             gint x_root,
                                             gint y_root,
                                             GdkDragAction suggested_action,
                                             GdkDragAction possible_actions,
                                             guint32 time);

context : 
dest_window : 
protocol : 
x_root : 
y_root : 
suggested_action : 
possible_actions : 
time : 
Returns : 

gdk_drop_finish ()

void        gdk_drop_finish                 (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             gboolean success,
                                             guint32 time);

context : 
success : 
time : 

gdk_drag_get_protocol ()

guint32     gdk_drag_get_protocol           (guint32 xid,
                                             GdkDragProtocol *protocol);

xid : 
protocol : 
Returns : 

enum GdkDragProtocol

typedef enum {
  GDK_DRAG_PROTO_ROOTWIN,	/* A root window with nobody claiming
				 * drags */
  GDK_DRAG_PROTO_NONE		/* Not a valid drag window */
} GdkDragProtocol;

gdk_drag_context_unref ()

void        gdk_drag_context_unref          (GdkDragContext *context);

context : 

struct GdkDragContext

struct GdkDragContext {
  GdkDragProtocol protocol;
  gboolean is_source;
  GdkWindow *source_window;
  GdkWindow *dest_window;

  GList *targets;
  GdkDragAction actions;
  GdkDragAction suggested_action;
  GdkDragAction action; 

  guint32 start_time;

enum GdkDragAction

typedef enum {
  GDK_ACTION_COPY    = 1 << 1,
  GDK_ACTION_MOVE    = 1 << 2,
  GDK_ACTION_LINK    = 1 << 3,
  GDK_ACTION_ASK     = 1 << 5
} GdkDragAction;

gdk_drag_status ()

void        gdk_drag_status                 (GdkDragContext *context,
                                             GdkDragAction action,
                                             guint32 time);

context : 
action : 
time :